Social Studies

Week of 2/5 - 2/9

We will finish up with Latin America this week as we complete our brochures and create board games about the culture and history of Latin America.  We will also have missing work conferences as I finish up the first round of grading and enter it into IC. Please let me know how I can assist you in completing work that you are missing.

We will have an LTP workday on Thursday, and the first note check is on this Friday, 2/9.

Mon. 2/5
Tue. 2/6
Wed. 2/7
Thu. 2/8
Fri. 2/9
Learning Target:
1) I can incorporate history, civics, geography, and economics to research and share information about a country in Latin America.
Learning Target:
1) I can work productively in a group to make a creative, educational game that shows my understanding of Latin American culture.
Learning Target:
1) I can work productively in a group to make a creative, educational game that shows my understanding of Latin American culture.
Learning Target:
1) I can gather information from multiple sources and organize into useful notes that are in my own words.
Learning Target:
1)  I can participate respectfully and productively to play educational games about Latin American culture and history.

Hour 1 & 2:
Latin American Brochure extended work time

Missing Work Conferences

Brochure Due!

Hour 1:
to Latin American Board Game project

Hour 2:
Board Game planning

Hour 1 & 2:
Latin American Board Game work time

Hour 1:
LTP Work Time

Putting Information into Own Words

Hour 2:
Latin American Board Game work time (if needed)

Hour 1 & 2:
Play Latin American Board Games


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